Premium Rate Service Provider Platform

Year: 2022
Technology: Web Apps,
Categories: Laravel,


This project involved developing a premium rate service provider (PRSP) platform that allows businesses to offer various services through phone calls or texts and charge the customers a fee. The platform connects the service providers with the telecommunication operators and manages the billing, routing, and reporting of the USSD or texts. The platform also enables the service providers to customize their voice content, tariffs, and payouts.


The goal of this project was to create a niche and innovative PRSP platform that caters to the needs and preferences of different customers and markets. The platform aimed to provide high-quality, reliable, and secure PRS that comply with the relevant regulations and standards. The platform also aimed to create value for both the service providers and the customers by enabling them to interact and exchange information, entertainment, or donations through phone calls or texts.


The scope of this project included:

  • Designing and developing the front-end and back-end of the PRSP platform using Laravel, VueJs, MariaDB, Radis, and RabitMQ.
  • Setting up a VPN to ensure the security and privacy of the data and transactions.
  • Integrating with various telecommunication operators using APIs to enable the connection and billing of the calls or texts.
  • Implementing an anti-fraud system and a ring-back technique to prevent fraud and disputes.
  • Providing a friendly and automated panel for the service providers to manage their premium rate numbers, voice content, statistics, billing, and payouts.
  • Testing and debugging the PRSP platform to ensure its functionality and performance.


Some of the challenges faced during this project were:

  • Dealing with the technical complexity and diversity of the PRS industry and its regulations.
  • Ensuring the compatibility and scalability of the PRSP platform with different devices, browsers, operators, and markets.
  • Providing a user-friendly and intuitive interface for both the service providers and the customers.
  • Optimizing the speed, efficiency, and reliability of the PRSP platform.


Some of the solutions implemented to overcome these challenges were:

  • Conducting extensive research and analysis on the PRS industry and its best practices.
  • Using a robust and flexible tech stack that allows for easy integration, customization, and maintenance.
  • Applying user-centered design principles and feedback mechanisms to improve the user experience and satisfaction.
  • Using advanced tools and techniques such as VPN, Radis, RabitMQ, Laravel, VueJs, MariaDB to enhance the security, performance, and functionality of the PRSP platform.


Some of the outcomes achieved by this project were:

  • Delivering a high-quality, reliable, and secure PRSP platform that meets the needs and expectations of both the service providers and the customers.
  • Offering niche and innovative services that cater to the preferences and demands of different customers and markets.
  • Generating revenue for both the service providers and myself as a developer by setting up multiple tariffs and charging customers based on the value of their service.
  • Reaching a wide audience across the country and beyond, as the premium rate number is accessible from any phone.
  • Receiving positive feedback, testimonials, and awards from both the service providers and the customers who used my PRSP platform.