Writer Management Platform

PHP, Laravel,
Year: 2022
Technology: Web Apps, Websites,
Categories: PHP, Laravel,

Project Overview

The Writer Management Platform is a web application that provides a one-stop solution for writers and tutors who want to offer their services online. The platform allows users to register by placing an order that is paid, and access their own portal where they can manage their projects, communicate with their clients, and submit their work. The platform also handles both on-demand online tutoring and submission of content created, using Jitsi for video conferencing and whiteboard WBO for collaborative writing. The platform also has a backend system that manages tutors/writers, editors, and other administrators, and provides them with various tools and reports to monitor and improve their performance.

Project Goal and Scope

The goal of the project was to create a user-friendly and secure platform that connects writers and tutors with clients who need their services, and provides them with a seamless and efficient workflow. The scope of the project included:

  • Designing and developing the frontend using VueJs, a progressive framework for building user interfaces.
  • Designing and developing the backend using Laravel, a PHP web framework that follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern.
  • Integrating Jitsi, an open-source video conferencing software, and whiteboard WBO, an online collaborative whiteboard, to enable online tutoring sessions.
  • Integrating MariaDB, a relational database management system, to store and retrieve data.
  • Integrating a payment gateway to process online payments securely.
  • Implementing various features and functionalities for users, such as creating profiles, placing orders, managing projects, communicating with clients, submitting work, receiving feedback, etc.
  • Implementing various features and functionalities for administrators, such as creating accounts, assigning roles, managing users, generating reports, etc.

Project Challenges and Solutions

The project faced some challenges during the development process, such as:

  • Ensuring the compatibility and performance of the different technologies used in the project, such as VueJs, Laravel, Jitsi, whiteboard WBO, MariaDB, etc.
    • Solution: The project team used various tools and methods to test and debug the code, such as unit testing, integration testing, code review, etc. The team also followed the best practices and standards for each technology to ensure the quality and consistency of the code.
  • Ensuring the security and privacy of the data and transactions on the platform, such as user information, payment details, project files, etc.
    • Solution: The project team implemented various security measures to protect the data and transactions on the platform, such as encryption, authentication, authorization, etc. The team also used SSL certificates to secure the communication between the server and the client.
  • Ensuring the usability and accessibility of the platform for different types of users, such as writers/tutors, clients, editors, administrators, etc.
    • Solution: The project team followed the principles of user-centered design to create a platform that meets the needs and expectations of the users. The team also conducted user research, usability testing, feedback collection, etc. to evaluate and improve the user experience of the platform.

Project Tech-Stack

The project used the following technologies to build the platform:

  • Frontend: VueJs, a progressive framework for building user interfaces.
  • Backend: Laravel, a PHP web framework that follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern.
  • Database: MariaDB, a relational database management system.
  • Video Conferencing: Jitsi, an open-source video conferencing software.
  • Collaborative Writing: whiteboard WBO, an online collaborative whiteboard.
  • Payment Gateway: A third-party service that processes online payments securely.

Project Outcomes and Impacts

The project was successfully completed and delivered to the client within the agreed time frame and budget. The project achieved the following outcomes and impacts:

  • The platform provided a convenient and reliable way for writers/tutors to offer their services online and earn income.
  • The platform provided a high-quality and affordable option for clients who need writing or tutoring services for various purposes.
  • The platform increased the efficiency and productivity of both writers/tutors and clients by streamlining their workflow and communication.
  • The platform enhanced the satisfaction and loyalty of both writers/tutors and clients by providing them with feedback and support.
  • The platform created a positive social impact by promoting education and literacy among different communities.